
July 27, 2010

Whiten Up! EvoraPlus and GO SMiLE to the rescue!

Tooth whitening seems to be a North American obsession - I actually think it's getting to a very scary place with way too many people running around with glow-in-the-dark-white chiclet teeth!  Beautifully (in a normal way) white teeth are definitely something to strive for and here are a couple of ways to achieve it:

Oragenics EvoraPlus - $21.27 for a 30 day supply from for Canadians - is the first ever all natural probiotic teeth whitening mint.  You've probably heard lots about probiotics for digestive health (I LOATHE those yogurt ads!) and this is the same kind of deal but for your mouth.  People use mouthwash and the like trying to kill the bacteria in their mouth but of course there are lots of different types that live in your mouth, some of which are helpful to us.  When the EvoraPlus mint melts on the tongue, the freeze-dried probiotics activate and attach themselves to the teeth and gum tissue, establishing colonies of active bacteria both on the surface of the teeth and deep beneath the gum line.  These colonies compete for nutrients and interfere with the harmful oral bacteria that disrupt gum and tooth health, and also cause bad breath.

I was very excited to have hoards of probiotics hanging out in my mouth doing their thing so I started popping a mint twice a day 30 days ago.  They taste light and minty and they really do a much better job of freshening breath then mouthwash does - which I generally find too strong and am not a fan.  I had my teeth professionally whitened a few years ago so I wasn't really looking for the mints to make me whiter but to help with staining as they do tend to stain quite easily now - and it was great for that, I didn't have to use any touch up products to get rid of staining as I normally did before starting to use the mints. 

If you like natural products, dislike mouthwash or just think it's fun to pop pills then EvoraPlus is worth a try!  Canadians can go here to buy and Americans can go here.
GO SMiLE Fresh Mint Touch Up Smile Perfecting Ampoules - $39 for 30 day supply - is my other choice for stain removal/whitening.  These are super handy and small enough to keep in the tiniest of  purses.  Each one contains  a daily-use level of hydrogen peroxide and is simple to use.  It even comes in green apple and watermelon flavours if you are so inclined.  You can find these at Sephora and Canadians can also find them at The Shopping Channel where you can even purchase it on Auto Delivery - meaning that a new batch will show up at your door every month - excellent for the absentminded!

- Lisamarie -

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention and kind words!

    In the US, you can also get Touch Ups directly from us at GO SMiLE - just $35 for the 30 day supply!


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