
August 25, 2010

Maria Sharapova Feels Young but Looks Kinda Creepy.

First, I want to say that I love Maria Sharapova, she's one of my favorite tennis players and she's beautiful to boot. That being said, the "feel young on the inside" t-shirt was just a tad too creepy. When I tried to find out who was the designer, I discovered it was part of Evian's latest ad campaign! I'm not sure how I feel about it: it's supposed to be funny but I don't know... I don't think it's really working for me. I don't want to be that young! What say you?

Maria Sharapova evian tshirt
Maria Sharapova evian ad


  1. Ack! I couldn't see it with the jacket on but the second photo made me gasp - not in a good way!

    Btw, I've been following you guys, always wanted to comment but just finally figured out how! I know, I know!

    Incredible blog!

  2. I can see how they came up with the idea.. and its a good one..

    But it just came off TOO literal. Plus, who wants to go back to wearing diapers..

  3. I agree - the commercial was funny - but the concept didn't translate so well here.



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