
December 10, 2011

Daphne Guinness for MAC

Daphne describes this collection as a "window into her imagination" and what a colourful imagination that must be! They aren't "pretty" colours though, it's almost like the colours are all kind of dirty if that makes any sense... whatever you want to call it, I am liking them!
Cremesheen Glass - $22
Borealis - pale grey pink with iridescent pearl
Japanese Spring - pale dirty pink
Narcissus - dirty eggplant
Richly Revered - deep brown plum
Pro Longwear Lipcreme - $20
Red Dwarf - blue-ink
Approaching Storm - deep rose
Seasoned Plum - mid-tone lavender
Warp Speed - light silver
Blush Ombre - $31
Azalea Blossom - light cool pink
Vintage Grape - mid-tone violet pink
Eye Shadow X4 - $45
Interior Life Quad: Stratus - light pink (matte); Interior Life - mid-tone grey blue (veluxe pearl); Bruised Sky - dark lavender-y grey (satin); Heather Belles - dark charcoal/carbon (satin)
Pigment - $24
Aurora - pinked taupe (frost)
Circa Plum - frosty dirty mid-tone lavender (frost)
Nebula - dark greyed brown with pearl (frost)
Powerpoint Eye Pencil - $18
Engraved - rich black
Grey Utility - uniform grey
Eye Brows - $18
Fling - light taupe ash blonde
Stud - deep rich blackened brown
Nail Lacquer - $18
Blueblood - deep eggplant (creme)Endless Night - pale grey pink with iridescent pearl (frost)
Hyperion - light grey blue green (creme)

Available on counter and on-line December 26th. It's been awhile since I was pumped for a MAC collection but I will be checking this one out!

- Lisamarie -


  1. Me too...this collection really interests me. Thanks for the post honey

  2. I can't wait to get my hands on Azalea Blossom!

  3. So many unique goodies! Loving the aurora pigment and endless night nail polish.

  4. The colours aren't really "pretty", not that the colours are ugly... more like not the colours I would normally have and want. Despite that, I really like Azalea Blossom blush!


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