November 4, 2012

Is This the Best Beauty Regimen Ever?

I woke up this morning, not exactly looking fresh-like-a-daisy, so this fake commercial for "Fotoshop by Adobé", the "best beauty regimen in the world" made me chuckle! That's exactly what I need, but for real life, you know!

And I'm sort of sick of reading about celebrities' patronizing beauty "secrets" when their photos look nothing like them! So, I dedicate Adobé to them!



  1. This is awesome!! Definitely brightened my day! Thanks for posting it!

  2. I enjoyed this commercial. It was so funny, but true. Thanks for posting and hats off to the people who made it.

  3. Aha, ha, ha! This is so great. I needed this today. Thanks!

  4. Wow! Is this for real? Beauty product from Adobe PhotoShop?lol Nice!


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