April 1, 2010

Pantene announces their new spokesperson - YOU!

A mysterious e-mail came our way yesterday letting us know that Pantene was going to be announcing their new spokesperson today at noon but with no clue as to who it might be.  I tried begging, pleading and guilt tripping to try and find out the identity of this mystery person to no avail, no one was talking.  So then I started thinking about people with lots of hair that it could be:  Dee Snider? Dolly Parton? Snufalufagus? With so many choices and no clues, it was impossible to guess so I was forced to wait to find out with everyone else!

During a noon webcast, current Pantene spokesperson Stacey London along with a rather disturbing guest host in the form of Bret Micheals announced who the new hair star is going to be - you!  That's right, Pantene is gearing up to find their very first reality hair star! What's in it for you?  How about your very own Pantene commercial to air May 25th during the season finale of a major television show.  As well you will win a "Rock Star experience" which from what I could gather involved, Poison, Bret Micheals, his tourbus and hopefully a whole bunch of hand and body sanitizer.  You can find all the prize info here.

So what to you say - ready to do your famous hair flip for the camera.  If my hairdresser hadn't done such a hack job on my hair recently I might be temped to try just to experience those jillion watt lights that they use for commercials that make your hair look so shiny!  All you have to do is submit a video by April 18 - be yourself, show your personality and tell the nice people at Pantene "That's why I am the first reality hair star"!  Check out the submissions guidelines on exactly what you need to do here.

You can find all info and details at www.pantene.com/realitystar the contest is open to Canada and the US except for Quebec and Maine who always get screwed out of entering cool contests.

Even if you have no desire to be on TV you can still go to the site and vote for your choice.

And if you enter, let us know and we'll all vote for you!

- Lisamarie -

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We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!