April 22, 2010

Wrap one up and tie one on for Earth Day or Mother's Day with LUSH!

Anyone who's a LUSH shopper already knows that they keep their packaging to a minimum and that they are always looking for ways to decrease it even more.  Just in time for Earth Day, LUSH has nixed their gift wrapping stations and replaced them with Knot-Wrap stations that will use stylish and reusable scarves to wrap up your goodies instead

For a very reasonable price of $6.95 your gift will be wrapped up in a scarf either made of recyclable materials or vintage fabrics, to package your products in a fashionably and environmentally-friendly way.  These scarves can be used and reused in a variety of ways (purse, grocery bag, décor, etc.) and can be wrapped (in origami-style) to carry products of all shapes and sizes. There will be two, permanent patterns as well as limited-edition Mother’s Day scarves to make sure your mom gets the perfect gift from you!

The wrap styles are fun, and it's a good thing I don't work for LUSH, I would make a mess of any of these:

Book Wrap

Shoulder Bag Wrap

4-Tie Wrap

Bottle Wrap

Be sure and check it out next time you are at a store and I guess that's a wrap! ;-)

- Lisamarie -

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