November 24, 2011

Use Your Voice, Use Your Power For a Beautiful World Without AIDS!

World AIDS Day is coming up next week on December 1st and I heard a surprising statistic relating to it - Did you know that every single day two new people are infected with HIV in Canada? I had no idea it was still that big a problem and I expect my reaction is not uncommon!

So I was very honoured to be asked and happy to participate when L’Oréal Professional Products Division and UNESCO invited me to participate in the 10th anniversary of Hairdressers Against AIDS (HAA): a global advocacy campaign in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The program has reached out to 1.3 million L’Oréal hairdressers in 26 countries, since its creation in South Africa in 2001.

The goal of the day is To “Use Your Voice, Use Your Power” and spark conversations about HIV/AIDS in Canada. To help do this, L’Oréal has engaged the help of Toronto bloggers including moi to join a group of students to produce creative videos aiming to raise awareness across the country.

The best thing you can do yourself for World AIDS Day is educate yourself and others - change starts with yourself, so if everyone did just a little bit, the slogan would soon be reality! 

Of course I am very open to the idea and thoughts of all of our wonderful readers - and it would be very helpful in making the video to know what everyone's thoughts are, how/if AIDS/HIV has touched your lives, what you think of the video above or anything else you want to share - many thanks in advance, I know I can always count on you guys to tell me what you thin. And if you are more comfortable sharing your thoughts privately, feel free to e-mail me at

And be sure to come back next week to see our video masterpiece!

- Lisamarie -


  1. I don't personally know anybody with HIV/AIDS, but I am gobsmacked at that statistic! It just goes to show, it's so important to educate oneself about this.

  2. Wow, I had no idea it was still that prevalent here in Canada. Looking forward to your posts on this! It's such an important topic to be educated on.


We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!