November 23, 2009

NeoStrata Skin Resurfacing Duo - a new reason for your husband to maul you

I have a secret weapon in my war against dull, flaky skin, which I guess won't be so secret after I post this.  Neostrata - Skin Resurfacing Duo
Different people call it by different names - home microdermabrasion, scrub, exfoliant but really, whatever you want to call it, I call it amazing!  Now I have tried a lot of different kinds of exfoliants over the years and I have found some great ones and some crappy ones and I proclaim this product to be the BEST exfoliant I have ever used!  Now I know my U.S. friends are going to complain that they don't have NeoStrata and that it's not fair but don't despair, you can indeed have NeoStrata too - here.  Don't say I never did anything for you!

So here's how it works:  Step 1 is the crystals - you scoop up a little bit of this and rub it all over you face for 1 minute.  They feel something like what I imagine fine grade sandpaper would feel like if I were a piece of wood (strangely yes, I do occasionally imagine myself to be inanimate objects).  The best part, it smells just like delicious oranges!  So I really should add this to my Things I love that are Orange post.  Step 2 is the activator, you take a little bit of this and rub it all over your crystally face.  It does this really awesome foaming thing and you keep rubbing for 2 minutes.  Then you just wash the whole thing off. 

What do you get for your 3 minutes you may ask?  Baby butt soft skin.  Skin so soft your husband won't stop touching you (so don't use this right before Gossip Girl, I learnt the hard way). Skin that is radiant, clear and makes you look years younger (not after the first 3 minutes, mind you but with repeated use).  I was amazed the first time I used this and believe me, at $73 it's not cheap so my expectations were sky high.  It has lived up to every one of those expectations and then some.  Not to say I won't keep trying different scrubs, I'm a beauty junkie, I can't help myself, but I will be very surprised if anything else can ever top this one!

- Lisamarie -


  1. Hmmmmm, I don't know, it feels like there could be some in the crystals but it is only on your face for 3 minutes and it washes clean with no residue so I'll go with not much if any.

    Best, Lisamarie

  2. I picked one up for a steal at SDM and that was the bonus, as what I purchased was th Skin Renewal Peel Solution!

  3. Nice deal! How do you like it?

    Best, Lisamarie

  4. I just got it yesterday and tried the skin renewal peel and yes my nose needed it badly, so I'll continue using it. Although the bonus two step didn't tell me how often I could use in conjunction with the renewal peel? Any answers?

  5. I wouldn't do one or the other more then every other day. So if you peel one day wait at least 2 days to scrub and then wait another 2 days to peel etc. I scrub once a week and peel twice. I think the products say you can use them 5 times a week or something crazy like that but I think that would be overdoing it. Depends on a person's skin too of course. If you are overdoing it you will make your problems worse so better to underdo.

    Best, Lisamarie

  6. Thank you for your advice. :)

  7. I also realized that after using it left white streaks on my nails. Gloves will be worn next time or manicure after use.

  8. My skin has had problems from the time that I was in junior high, and I'm ready for some serious changes.

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