September 13, 2011

Guerlain's Olivier Echaudemaison creates, innovates and dazzles!

You may have noticed that 10 years ago is when things started getting really cool over at Guerlain - maybe it have something to do with the arrival of their new Creative Director Olivier Echaudemaison? In those 10 years, he has created some our most beloved and must-have products - KissKiss and Rouge G lipsticks, Terracotta 4 Seasons and Le 2 de Guerlain to name a few, as well, he has gotten rid of others that weren't working  - this explains why there's no nail polish in the line right now, the original ones were too boring for Olivier's taste.

Monsieur Echaudemaison was in town last week to launch a new product that I'm not yet allowed to speak of (stay tuned) and talk with the media. What struck me most about him during his little speech is just how much he seems to love women. This probably goes a long way to explaining how he manages to come up with products, colours and packaging that appeals to us. I mean, I've always thought that makeup is an odd career choice for men, it's not something most of them wear and therefore, how could they have a deep love and understanding of it? But I suppose loving and understanding women would be the next best thing to being one and would give you that edge needed to design products that woman will love to use - because he certainly does that!
If nothing else, you have to love him for his shoes!
The most valuable tip that I'm taking from his talk regards foundation, as Olivier said: men hate foundation, they want to see beautiful skin not beautiful foundation, so even when you are wearing it, it needs to look like you aren't. This of course was his inspiration for Lingerie De Peau which I am now going to revisit!

You can sleep better now knowing that the future of Guerlain innovations is in good hands!

- Lisamarie -


  1. i LOVE hearing ppl's inspirations for their creations =D

    very sexy shoes~

  2. I LOVE Kiss Kiss! I've tried other lip primers but I will always go back to Kiss Kiss! -MB


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