July 20, 2010

Oh Lindsay! Your Cellmates Will Love Your Latest GQ Photoshoot...

Aw, poor Lindsay Lohan, she's going to jail today....but of course you know what I really meant was: "Bwhahahaha!"

Her latest photoshoot for GQ Germany is pretty and soft and it will make her new neighbours (translate: cellmates) very, very, very happy.



  1. Yep, she really does look good on these photos. =)

  2. Is it just me or does she have a travelling bellybutton in these photos?
    In the first photo she has no belly button, then in the 2nd one, it's practically right under her breasts.

  3. photoshop fail on the belly button thing!

  4. yes it's very photoshopped, she doesn't look that fresh.


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