July 9, 2010

Weirdest Runway Show Ever: Patrick Mohr Wants You to Be a Man or an Alien...

I'm not often lost for words but when I first saw Patrick Mohr's Berlin fashion show: a long string of expletives came out of my mouth followed by complete silence....and then followed by laughter. The clothes are not much to look at so I guess he needed something to distract us so much we would not care about them at all. If you're not paying attention to the clothes, you can't really criticize them, can you?  Beyond the genius PR stunt here (this guy only started his label in 2008 and I had never heard of him before), I hope the facial hair trend catches on so that for once Lisamarie would be effortlessly on trend! Screw makeup, ladies! What we really want is a beard and looking like coneheads!
If Mohr likes men so much, perhaps he should design menswear instead...I mean, that's just an idea...

When I was wondering the other day how deep we could sink into the world of fashion buffoonery, here is the answer to my question: we haven't reached the bottom yet!



  1. It would seem that he's a fan of Dr. Robotnik.

  2. WOW ... or a fan of doctor seuss

  3. I feel sorry for the models...

  4. Yuk! It looks like some sort of cult...

  5. i know that fahsion now-a days is weird and unique and crazy - but this is plain freaky , and wrong , i agree with the ideas of the stunt - kinda . Its as if he is sending out some weird message


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