December 30, 2010

OPI goes to Texas for Spring/Summer 2011!

Texas Collection by OPI - $10.95 - has a new finish - semi-transparent, giving fingers and toes a lightly glossed appearance similar to the look of icy water-based sorbet.  To achieve the desired effect, an initial coat of polish should be applied to all ten fingers first - without doubling up coverage.  Start from the pinky finger on one hand and paint through to the pinky on the other hand, then, after the first coat has dried, apply a second coat.

San Tan-tonio - honey
Suzi Loves Cowboys - chocolate
It's Totally Fort Worth It - shimmery lavender grey
Don't Mess with OPI - forest green
Austin-tatious Turquoise - blue-green
I Vant to Be A-Lone Star - sky blue
Y'all Come Back Ya Hear? - tangerine
Big Hair...Big Nails - peach
Guy Meets Gal-veston - coral
Too Hot Pink to Hold 'Em - pink-red
Do You Think I'm Tex-y? - berry
Houston We Have Purple - red violet

Available in February 2011 - what do you think of the sorbet look idea?  I'll have swatches coming up in January.

- Lisamarie -


  1. I can't wait to see swatches, Im not sure about this! :-P but the colors like nice

  2. The green and blue are cool. A bit broody.

  3. this is a lovely collection! i really want the blue and orange ones.

  4. Love this idea! Can hardly wait to try them out!

  5. I'm super excited! I think it's one of those collections that will look better in person than via pictures.


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