March 18, 2011

Clinton Kelly talks with us about spring fashion, changing lives and avoiding trend ho-dom!

I had a chance to have a quick chat with Clinton Kelly - Macy's Style Expect and Co-Host of TLC's What Not To Wear yesterday - it was super fun and luckily he laughed when I called him mean!  Check it out and if you want more info about the Macy's Million Dollar Makeover you can find it at

- Lisamarie -


  1. Aww, you're so lucky!

    Btw. I follow you, wanna follow back?

  2. aww i prefer "old fashion" floral lol

    nice interview =]

  3. I just love Clinton Kelly! He is so fun. One of the best style tips I ever took from him was layering textures. It is now one of my favorite ways to add dimension to an outfit.


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