March 23, 2011

I'll Miss You Elizabeth Taylor!

When I heard this morning that Elizabeth Taylor had died, I felt strangely sad - it's not like I knew her or anything and a famous people dying doesn't necessarily upset me but there is something about this one that really got to me!

The legendary beauty had an amazing acting career with some of my favourites being Little Women, Father of the Bride, Butterfild 8 and Maggie's first word on The Simpsons.

Not to mention a fragrance dynasty that started with the launch of her first fragrance in 1987, Elizabeth Taylor’s Passion while White Diamonds remains a best seller, almost 20 years after its 1991 introduction.

Elizabeth Arden has sponsored an online condolences page on Facebook for tributes to Elizabeth Taylor. To share your personal thoughts, please log onto

"I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them." Elizabeth Taylor - 

Here's hoping that the afterlife contains a lot more adventures for you!

- Lisamarie-

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