There isn't a big time commitment involved just 1 minute on each eye once a day every day for 8 weeks for optimal results. I was a little worried that it would be painful since the skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive but it isn't bad at all - it's warm and there is a slight stinging sensation but nothing major. After using my skin feels a little tender but a generous helping of eye cream takes care of that. They recommend that you use it at night as the laser makes your skin sensitive to sunlight and, not that I've experienced it, but if there is any redness or swelling you'll have time for it to go away.
Keeping up the daily treatments is made easier thanks to the device's tiny size, making it super portable and it holds a charge a long time so can easily travel with you wherever you go without being a hassle.
Even after just a few weeks I am already noticing the results - the lines around my eyes seem smaller and less noticeable and my skin is brighter making me look like I got a good night's sleep even on the mornings when I didn't!
Available at and
- Lisamarie -
I've heard a few reviews on the Tria so far and all seem positive! This is on my wish list