On my way to the subway this morning, I saw something that made me cringe and recoil with horror: a
weakly supported bosom that was trying to escape south. And by south, I mean more south than a couple of retirees moving to Florida. Yeah, I know it's called gravity.And that's why you need a
GOOD bra. Especially if your girls are large. A good bra not only lifts, it also creates a waist. I have seen G cup girls looking like Ds just because they had excellent support. This is common sense, yet many women don't seem to get it. And don't even get me started with women who go to work braless...
1 - Forget Your Vanity. You NEED to get the right bra size.
For many years, I was convinced I was small and therefore I was a B cup. I am indeed small but after a proper fitting, I discovered I was a C cup. Forget your preconceptions, get measured, preferably once/twice a year.
If you're a curvy girl, don't shy away from bigger cups. It is what it is. Your entire breast should fit inside the cup, if it spills over, it's too small!
The back of your bra must be straight and the straps shouldn't hurt. Basically, whether you're an A or a G, you should feel comfortable.
2 - Now, ladies, comfort and fit don't mean UGLY!
Every woman out there should have at least a couple of really nice, sexy and feminine sets of lingerie. Please, NO Mickey Mouse or other stupid cartoons on your underwear, you're not 10 years old anymore.
AUBADE is my personal favorite, their bras are both comfortable and beautiful, and most of all they are likely to last longer than your man, too. A good investment, really.
AUBADE is a little pricey but it's worth every penny!
For larger breasts, I'd recommend brands like
Warners and
Cheaper lingerie options would include
Passionata, Princesse Tam Tam. The
WINNERS chain has a decent selection as well.
Most of all, STAY AWAY from
La Senza and
Victoria's Secret. These stores are good to buy really basic underwear (black or nude thongs for example) but the quality and fit of their bras are mediocre at best (and overall, not that cheap).
For our Torontonian ladies, check out the
best lingerie stores in Toronto
Until, next time...please wear a bra!