March 5, 2010

Lise Watier Youthful... Day After Day Challenge - Day 5! Contest!

Day 5 - NUTRITION - Hurrah for legumes!
Add legumes to one of your meals today (eg. lentil soup, chickpea salad, etc.)

I have to say I'm a little suspicious of this challenge - until I discovered that almost all beans and peas are considered legumes.  I'm going to have some fava beans and a nice chianti with his I mean my liver tonight... You?

- Lisamarie -

 If you are confused about what this is or how to enter, you can go here to see the original post!


  1. I love chilli, as it has good amount of beans. One pot solution :-)

  2. going to make some hummus yum

  3. I'm a huge fan of hummus and I make my own. So easy and delicious!

  4. Chickpeas make a great addition to soups and stews and hummus is my favourite use of this legume.


  5. I will probably have black beans and rice. It is a staple in my house.

  6. I really don't enjoy beans but one place I can add them and love them is Chilli. I put in a 5 bean medley into it and even my picky kid will eat it!!! I am making Chilli tonight -- thanks for the great idea!! Sorry I posted today but the last several days I have not been able to access the dates on the website:)


We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!