March 14, 2010

Lise Watier Youthful... Day After Day Challenge - Day 14! Contest!

Day 14 - LIFESTYLE - Breathe!
Sit down, relax and breathe.  Close your eyes for 15 minutes and concentrate on breating deeply in and out.  Let your mind relax!

Don't forget the breathe out part!

- Lisamarie -

If you are confused about what this is or how to enter, you can go here to see the original post!


  1. Great reminder to take time out of our day to just relax and breathe!

  2. meditation is the way to a better world

  3. I can do breathing but closing my eyes for 15 mins would freak me out (if it is not for sleeping) :-)

  4. Great i feel much better now.

  5. I try to do this technique as often as possible but it doesn't happen until someone nice like you... reminds me - Thanks.


We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!