March 4, 2010

Quentin Veron Would Rather Wear Fur and I Would Rather Wear PETA People.

French designer Quentin Veron came up with this provocative design for his fall 2010 collection, with an obvious reference to Peta's campaigns. God, I hate Peta, for many, many, many reasons and while I'm not particularly keen on fur, this picture definitely made me chuckle. Funny enough, some Peta activists were handing out flyers during the Montreal Fashion Week: I took one and then used this useless piece of paper to discard my gum. That's actually more respect than they deserve.




  1. I'll never wear fur, but I share your sentiment :| PETA had good intentions initially, but their means are totally fucked

  2. Peta kills about 86% of the animals they "rescue" (based on their own filings).

    This bunch also compared civil rights movements to animal rights movements...the list goes on and on...


  3. Ewe, fur is sooo trashy! Everybody knows only ugly, evil, mean people wear fur.

  4. Yes I agree, evil people wear fur.

    Nice people wear blood diamonds, use petroleum based products, eat battery chicken, and wear clothes made in Bangladesh!

  5. ^ no offense, the Bangladesh comment is unnecessary though


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