March 22, 2010

Lise Watier Youthful... Day After Day Challenge - Day 22! Contest!

Day 22 - LIFESTYLE - Say "yes"!
Express your positive energy and say "yes: as often as possible today.

I guess we can we thankful that this challenge isn't happening on a Friday night or Christelle would be in big trouble...

- Lisamarie -

If you are confused about what this is or how to enter, you can go here to see the original post!


  1. Hahaha You always crack me up!

    It's funny that they advise to say 'yes', when actually 'no' is harder to say when someone is asking you for some kind of favor...

    My email is svlara(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. We are always being told to say "no" and not to feel obligated to please everyone. Say "yes" cautiously.

  3. Yes, i will clean the house! Yes, i am feeling great

  4. Yes I will happily babysit my grandbabies anytime I can steal them away from their parents

  5. I have a feeling I will be driving around a lot tonight -- there favourite thing to ask me recently is "mom can I have a ride to .....". It's all about yes today!!!

  6. Being a parent, saying yes might mean danger, lol

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes! Oh Yes!!
    It is a word that brings smiles. I said yes to making biscuits AND cookies today.

  9. Yes, I will send my son a care package with his favorite biscotti.

  10. I was asked to make "Special Muffins" I said yes, I was asked to start the coffee, I said yes, I was asked to iron a shirt, I said yes, and I was the one who ran like a madwoman while he was all perky and ready to leave! mmmm.... yes but...


We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!