April 4, 2011

Score some great deals at the Marcelle and Annabelle warehouse sale!

If you're lucky enough to live in Montreal, you'll want to mark April 8th, 9th and 10th on your calendar for the Marcelle/Annabelle warehouse sale!

Taking place at 9200 Cote de Liesse from 4 - 8pm Friday, and 9am - 4pm on Saturday and Sunday - wish I could join you!

If anyone does go, I'd love to hear what it's like!

- Lisamarie -


  1. Will definitely check it out! Thanks for the info!!

  2. I only wish I was LUCKY enough!

  3. YES! I am one of the lucky ones and will be checking out for sure this sale! Thanks for the tip!

  4. Really? If he agrees and actually comes home with the right stuff I will be super impressed! If this works, next time he can go for all of us! ;-)

    Best, Lisamarie

  5. darn... i don't live in montreal lol


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