January 16, 2014

See That Awkward Moment before everyone else! Preview!

Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan star in the comedy, That Awkward Moment, about three best friends who find themselves where we’ve all been – at that confusing “moment” in every dating relationship when you have to decide “So…where is this going?”

Of course we want our Beauty Crazed readers to see it before everyone else at one of the previews that will take place across Canada at 7pm on January 29th at:

Toronto - Scotiabank Theatre
Vancouver - Int'l Village
Montreal - Scotiabank Theatre
Calgary - Scotiabank Chinook
Edmonton - Scotiabank WEM
Winnipeg - Silver City Polo Park
Ottawa - SC Gloucester
Halifax - Parklane

Wanna go? Just leave a comment letting us know what city you want to attend the preview in and then send us an e-mail at info@beautycrazed.ca with your full name for the guest list. First 10 people from Toronto and first 5 from all the other cities will win a pass for 2 to check out the flick!

- Lisamarie -


  1. I want to see this movie in Vancouver :)

  2. I would love to go! I'm from toronto :)

  3. Ottawa pleaseeee! I've already emailed you :)

  4. Montreal please! Emailed you as well! :)

  5. Would love to watch in Vancouver!

  6. Would so love to see this! Halifax please! :)

  7. passes are all gone for Vancouver, there's one left for Toronto and some left for all the other cities - tell your friends and send me an e-mail if you want them including your full name and city to info@beautycrazed.ca

  8. Edmonton, please :) I sent you an email just now

  9. Montreal please! Sending an email right now <3


We're so happy you want to comment! But please, if all you are here to do is promote your own link/contest or spam us - don't bother, your comment will be deleted and we will think evil thoughts about you for the rest of the day!