June 8, 2011

This week I'm obsessed with... Tiffany Locks Heart Lock - oooooo so sparkly!

If there's anything better than things that sparkle, it's things that sparkle and come in little blue boxes!  Meet my new love:

Tiffany Locks Heart Lock with pavé diamonds set in platinum (large) - $6,800 - and that doesn't even include the chain my friends, you'll cough up extra for that!

I'll be leaving this page open on my husband's computer in hopes that he will take the hint!

If you can't afford the lock either, we can still experience some Tiffany's love at a much for affordable price - free! For the romantic in all of us, Tiffany has created “What Makes Love True”, a micro-site for all things about love. One highlight is actor-director Ed Burn’s evocative short film about falling in love and engagement…and because you can’t take the “New York” out of Tiffany, you’ll find wonderful stories and experiences about falling in love, Manhattan style. Check out www.whatmakeslovetrue.com to feel the love!

 - Lisamarie -

1 comment:

  1. loving this post - definately going to check out that site :)
    and I want a tiffany heart lock so bad - they look so cute!! x


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