It's easy to enter, just create your look with essence cosmetics and share it at - as well, there will be weekly prizes of $20 worth of essence cosmetics.
Full rules and details are on the site and you have until August 3rd to enter! We can't wait to see your looks - be sure to let us know if you enter so we can go vote for you!
La Roche-Posay is concerned by the stats - did you know that 78,000
Canadians will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year? 5,500 of those cases
will be skin cancer’s deadliest form, Melanoma. This has inspired them to
raise sun protection awareness with Save Lives!
The Save Lives! program featured on the La Roche-Posay Canada Facebook page gives you a
chance to share your sun protection story or advice for a chance to win
a La Roche-Posay gift basket worth $250 or 3 mini prize packs of $75.
You can also vote for your favourite submission in the
advice gallery and you can vote for as many stories as you want every day until
July 15th! The most voted for stories will have a chance to
win the grand prizes, so feel free to encourage friends and family to
participate and vote! Check it all out at:
The objective is to raise awareness of melanoma and the
importance of sun protection and early detection. Remember 90% of
skin cancers can be cured if detected early enough and don't forget to visit
for tools and resources needed to check yourself for early signs of skin
cancer. Feel free to read on for the hard facts of sun protection.
Elizabeth Grant Skin Care is celebrating their anniversary with a kick-ass contest with a grand prize of a year's supply of skin care!
The grand prize has a value of $4125 and consists of 6 packages delivered to the winner over the year, each
package containing one of each: (Biocollasis Complex Day Crème ($99 each),
Biocollasis Complex Night Crème($120), Biocollasis Complex Eye Crème ($55),
Biocollasis Complex Day Serum ($65 each), Biocollasis Complex Night Serum
($75), Biocollasis Complex Eye Serum ($63 each), Biocollasis Complex Gentle
Cleanser($30), Biocollasis Complex Pore Refining Lotion($28) as well they will deliver one time:
X 2 Collagen Miracle Concentrate ($75 each), X 2 Biocollasis
Complex Wrinkle Concentrate($80 each), X 2 Elizabeth EDP($69 each),
X 1 Essence of Torricelumn 4 pack ($150), and X 3 Ultimate Cellular
Concentrate ($99 each)
As well, there will be 10 Runner Up Prizes of a Biocollasis Complex Day Cream ($99)
If a selected entrant cannot be reached within five (5) days following the draw, declines the prize, or fails to authorize use of their name for publication on our website and other media another entrant will be selected.
Get on over to to get entered!
Win a lifetime supply of CND Shellac from (it's actually only 25 years worth so it would be best if you eat a lot of fried food and don't exercise so you "live" up to the full offer)A fun contest that's easy to enter - just go to and let them know how a lifetime (!) supply of Shellac would change your life.
In my case I could finally fulfill my lifelong dream of a life of crime - crime related tasks are so hand-sy and in the midst of my jewel heist or organ theft I might chip a nail and you can imagine how fast those fancy crime lab people like on CSI would track me down via that nail polish chip - and you certainly don't expect me to embark on my life of crime sans-manicure now do you?! I didn't think so!
Grand Prize (Value $1266) consists of: 33 Bottles of CND Shellac + 36 Watt UV Lamp + 5 Topcoat + 5 Basecoat + Scrub Fresh - and will go to the best description of how winning a lifetime supply of Shellac will change their life.
Open to Canadian and United States residents only - winner to be selected August 7, 2012.
Full rules and entry check out:
- Lisamarie -
Thanks for letting us know about these fab contests! i just entered the Essence one with a stop motion video :)wish me luck~