October 1, 2012

Mascara Monday - Maybelline Colossal Cat Eyes

Maybelline Colossal Cat Eyes - $8.99 - has a new one-of-a-kind Claw Brush that grabs and extends while reaching every corner lash as well as a collagen-infused formula that instantly plumps lashes for up to 8X the volume.
The brush has a curve to it which I find makes application easier.
It's an excellent lengthener and adds just the right amount of volume - which for me is some volume but not so much that it looks fake or clumpy.
But the best recommendation I can give it is that when I was wearing it, several people asked me if they were my "real" lashes!

- Lisamarie -


  1. that looks amazing, cant wait for waterproof version!

  2. thats awesome cant wait til it comes out here in the philippines... and you have really nice eyes. so love the color :)

  3. I swore I would not be tempted by this but it really does make your lashes look long and flared out:)

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