July 29, 2010

It's All about The Hair: Best Celebrity Hairstyles for 2010

Picture: Elle/John Shearer/WireImage
It seems that we're not the only hair obsessed people around here! Elle Magazine has polled the  top 100 hair salons in the US to select the best celebrity hairstyles. While most celebrities have gorgeous hair (except maybe for you, Britney!)....because they can afford the best, you will find many long and straight hairstyles on that list and frankly, I'd like to see more curls, more edge - the list is quite conservative as you'll see.

I'm currently testing the John Frieda's Brillant Brunette liquid shine illuminating conditioner - review to come soon - and I've just noticed on their US website: you can get a free liquid shine conditioner with the purchase of a liquid shine shampoo (stocks are limited!).


1 comment:

  1. love that pic of nicole! STUNNING! XO
    thanks for stopping by my blog!


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