September 6, 2010

Street (Corner) Style: Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus Work it!

Perfect body and tackiest style: as usual, Katy Perry wears this disgusting PVC dress emblazoned with ice cream cones. She's a candy girl, get it? That dress looks like our Candy girl should be working Detroit's street corners instead of that red carpet.

Mark my words: Miley Cyrus is about to give Lindsay Lohan a run for her money as the biggest Hollywood train wreck/attention whore. The underage pop tart has been terrorizing the Parisian crowd with these ripped tights, disgusting boots and plaid shirt. Such a wannabe too...if you're so cool Miley, why do you have to pair this outfit with a Chanel bag?



  1. Seriously, where are Miley's parents? I'd never let my kid wear this in public. Both of these pop tarts are "Christians"...


  2. OH MY GOD!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS STUFF! I'd like to see you pull off that sexy dress Katy is wearing. She is not a tart. She is flaunting what she has got. Fare enough about Miley though. She needs to get her life together! :L


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