April 20, 2010

Tweezerman for benefit - a brow team that can't be beat!

Check out Tweezerman for benefit tools at the Brow Bars in selected Holt Renfrew stores in April, including the newest Brow Bar located at the Holt Renfrew in Yorkdale.  If you haven't experienced the Brow Bar for yourself, what are you waiting for?!  Check out my review here and then get yourself down to one!

- Lisamarie -


  1. they looks soo cute! :)

  2. This is very cool. I ama tweezer freak. I had the same pair for 25 years (from a lab -- they were precise without sharpness) and someone at the Cancun airport in security thought they would be a great weapon (but not the knitting needles) so he took them. I was in tears, and proceeded to buy every tweezer I saw. Now I am loving a flat tweezerman pair but still miss mine!

  3. That sucks Steph! At least there is a security woman (or man I suppose)at the airport now with really well groomed eyebrows!

    Best, Lisamarie


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