March 21, 2010

Lise Watier Youthful... Day After Day Challenge - Day 21! Contest!

Day 21 - NUTRITION - Fibre, fibre, fibre!
Plan a minimum of 3 daily portions of whole wheat bread and cereals.
Eating the box they come in also counts!

- Lisamarie -

If you are confused about what this is or how to enter, you can go here to see the original post!


  1. I try to eat lots of whole grains
    Can I put sugar on the box ??

  2. I know I don't get enough fibre in my diet so this will be a good goal to aim towards.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Got myself 3 kinds of breads - Multi-Grain, 16 grains & Whole Wheat! My whole family got in a habit a while back to eat nothing but whole grain breads.

  5. Mmmm... breakfast for dinner tonight!! Aaanything for the Challenge ;)


  6. Thanks for the challenge -- we are going to eat quesadillas tonight and we will put them on whole wheat tortillas. Also for breakfast this morning I ate two pieces of whole wheat toast:)

  7. I try to go with whole wheat (bread, pasta, tortillas), don't know how many portion each day though, lol

  8. Sorry I will not eat the box! LOL!
    But I do use whole wheat and whole grains in everything..

  9. Ok!! great challenge! msmith572@yahoo.come


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