May 14, 2010

The Colour of Beauty: Is the Fashion Industry Racist or just a Reflection of Society?

This short film examines racism and the lack of diversity in the fashion industry through the eyes of a young ambitious Black model. You can see her frustration when she's sometimes told castings are for white models only. But is the fashion industry really racist? Or is it simply a reflection of what people want to see? In all fairness, if nobody buys magazines with Black, Asian or Latina models on the cover, why would magazine editors use these models?

Just like when some people mention the lack of leading roles for black Hollywood actors, or even openly gay actors; my answer is the same: editors, directors are in this business to make money and not everyone is ready to alienate their audience and risk millions of dollars in the name of fairness and equality. Another example: I don't believe TV shows drive their audience to violence, deviant sex and crime: they are just a reflection of society, plain and simple. 

There is only one possible conclusion: Human race = massive fail!




  1. i agree with what you say. but i also believe that the general public has been conditioned by what they see on magazine covers and in movies/tv shows. and i honestly don't think we're all that stupid. i think that once someone takes that risk of featuring more ethnic people, the public will be open to it once they wrap their minds around it.


  2. The problem is that nobody wants to take the risk to feature different looks and what's worse: we are going backwards. There were way more black models on the runway in the 80's. And I don't think that a Black Vogue is the way to go...I mean seriously, if we can't even look at different people in a magazine what's the chance to be able to live together?


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