November 7, 2009

Weekend Edition: Don't Drink & Dress!

Here is a short selection of weekend looks you should perhaps NOT wear:

Lady Gaga -or someone who looks like her anyway- was not sure if she needed to put her underwear on before or after her shirt. I know it's confusing, right? I ask myself the same question all the time, especially after drinking half a bottle of Tequila. Actually, after that amount of Tequila, I would not even know where I'd be going (just like Lady Gaga here) or what I'd be doing. So Lady Gaga did pretty good here.

There is nothing like a shark to look chic, darling! This is scary in so many ways, I would not have enough web space to tell you all about it!

This creation caught my eye at the last Hong Kong Fashion Week. I believe it's the perfect outfit for celebrities. It's a show-stopper (or maybe more like traffic-stopper) and hides the face from intrusive paparazzi. It can be used post plastic surgery as well. For anybody else, it's probably not a good look.

Is it a damaged sombrero? Is it a curtain? Again, a perfect outfit if you're out of it and don't know where you are or how to dress.

Until next week, please don't drink and dress!


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